Being a parent can be very hard, and sometimes troubling. 
Taking care of a baby or a small child is a 24-hour per day job, 
which requires a great deal of time and attention. Parents 
apply a whole lot of strategies to deal with it the best they can. 
But the question is which is the best way of doing it? 
There are plenty of parenting options and 
ATTACHMENT PARENTING is one of them. It’s a way of 
raising children in a respectful and loving manner, taking 
their emotional needs as one of the main aspects to attend to.   Come along next Monday 4th November to The Playhouse 
(c/Mozart, 10. Barcelona) at 5:00pm and we will talk about 
what attachment parenting is about, where it comes from,  its importance for our children’s positive emotional 
development, its advantages and disadvantages and how can 
we overcome these disadvantages to reduce their impact.  
If you are interested in coming, please confirm at

Psicóloga Perinatal, con formación en psicología clínica y terapia de pareja y familia, especializada en maternidad, paternidad y crianza, y orientada desde la crianza respetuosa y el ecofeminismo.

Barrio Sagrada Familia - Barcelona

664 704 676


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